Steering Committee candidacy submissions

Hello all -

In advance of the general meeting, we need people to run for the steering committee! The steering committee will be elected using single-transferable-vote elections.

The Steering Committee is responsible for the day-to-day operations of (i.e. chairing meetings, maintaining infrastructure, drafting resolutions, etc) - major decisions are always made by the membership.

There are 5 seats open on the committee with the offices as follows:

2 co-chairs which lead the org
1 secretary-treasurer which takes minutes at all meetings & handles finances with the co-chairs
2 general members which are members that take on other duties of the SC as well as contributing to decision-making

If you are interested, let us know here! cc @steering_committee

More info in our proposed bylaws


I plan to run for Co-chair to lead this new chapter as a democratic, membership organization!


I’d like to run for at-large


I will run for at-large member.


I plan to also run as co-chair! Can’t wait to see Oblong evolve!

Y’all I was looking at the wording:

The committee is elected as a whole (STV), and then we figure out positions after. We all run for a seat on the steering committee, independent of office.

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I, Kaleo Clark, would like to run for the Oblong steering committee.

I am running as treasurer-secretary

Hello candidates - if I could get a description/pitch to put on the election form that would be great!

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my pitch: im cool

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Hello, I have come here to lobby the voters.

Ovals United v. Federal Election Commission

I want to run for at large member

I am running cause no one else wanted to do treasurer-secretary.

I am not fully able to commit to a steering committee position, but would love to run for admin :slight_smile: