I worked on a flowchart to layout the models and relations that will be used in v2. It feels a little overcomplicated rn, and I’m trying to figure out how to simplify it. Also, I need to figure out how to model “Connections” that is say a Vercel or other hosting/email/etc provider integration.
Here’s the link & I’ve also included a screenshot below (as of posting): https://www.figma.com/file/EuhIVJqQ61PftluVJFiRE6/architecture?type=whiteboard&node-id=0%3A1&t=vuPfQSxDgG1f1xDB-1
(Posting as reply to trigger GH integration)
This includes the issues:
opened 03:21AM - 23 Sep 23 UTC
opened 03:17AM - 14 Aug 23 UTC
We want to have a service that allows users to create public & private PURLs, si… milar to a URL shortener. These would be available at https://url.obl.ong/domain/linkname
opened 03:20AM - 14 Aug 23 UTC
I want to abstract away the DNSimple code into a seperate gem that provides a st… andard API for the Record model to call. This would allow me & others to implement that API for many different providers for people to host Obl.ong for. I see this being useful for say people to self-host Obl.ong, if there was a CoreDNS or Pi-Hole gem.
opened 03:13AM - 14 Aug 23 UTC
This is a tracking issue for Email Forwarding, an upcoming feature.
We plan t… o allow for people to forward domain@obl.ong to one or many emails, most likely using DNSimple.
opened 04:52AM - 19 Jan 24 UTC
One click integration to connect your oblong domain to vercel!
https://vercel… .com/docs/rest-api/vercel-api-integrations#using-the-vercel-api/scopes/domain
opened 10:05PM - 25 Jan 24 UTC
Sharing domains with other users and possibly even teams on Obl.ong would be sup… er helpful.
I rethought the custom domains process, and figured it would be much simpler to connect them to individual existing domains, and just have one suffix per instance
Looks fine, just might lead to user confusion.
How would it lead to user confusion? What could be made more understandable?
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From the flowchart, you can understand it two different ways
a) Multiple domains linked as a group, sharing records
b) Multiple domains on an account, not sharing records
I think you can rearrange something in the “User” and “Domain” area, just not sure what. If I understood correctly, B is what we are doing?
Each box is an independent model in the DB, and yes B is what we’re doing
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